8 (495) 115-03-17

Complex methods of improving systems of the body are selected in accordance to the neurophysiological characteristics of the individual patient, and include:
1. Phased exposure of the complex to various systems of the body.
2. Activation of neurohumoral system, stabilization of cognitive functions (intelligence, memory).
3. Increasing of efficiency, improving the adaptive capacity of the body.
4. Individual or group training for complex maintenance of the balance of the body's physiological parameters.

This techniques contribute to the normalization of vascular and muscle tone, stabilizing the cerebral circulation, improving the mobility of the limbs and joints of the spine due to improving tissue metabolism, microcirculation, vascular blood flow, neuromuscular conduction. Patients noted improvement their general condition, memory, concentration of attention, increase efficiency. Lethargy and fatigue reduce. So as breathlessness, significantly . Motor coordination and stability improve when walking, thereby the risk of falls and fractures reduces. The ability to sleep improves. Patients with venous insufficiency get reducing of swelling and heaviness in the legs. Restoring microcirculation, our techniques improve the blood supply to the myocardium, improve exercise tolerance, reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Inclusion to the techniques the breathing exercises helps to restore proper breathing, which facilitates the implementation of anaerobic stress, including stress on the vocal apparatus, running, walking, training on simulators, swimming. When performing compound exercises the body's stamina increases by training effect. It reduces eye fatigue when reading, discomfort when watching TV and working on the computer. The adaptation to stress, hypothermia, physical and emotional overload increases.

The achieved results are stored for a long time, and can be maintained in self-performing simple exercises by patients. Thus, a comprehensive approach with simultaneous phased training for system self-sustaining progress balance of all body systems is the basis for the functional recovery of patients techniques of any age and physical condition.

The efficiency of complex techniques is confirmed by 25 years of research in patients with neurological, cardiac, pulmonary, urological, gynecological, endocrine disorders, as well as disorders of the locomotor system and psycho-emotional sphere.

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